Annie and Dennis pose for a photo in front of their house on the farm in Gardiner, New York, on March 29, 2024.
Annie and Dennis pose for a photo in front of their house on the farm in Gardiner, New York, on March 29, 2024.

Annie Delaney Chillemi celebrated her 65th birthday in March, 2024. She retired in May 2023 after a 25-year career at Fordham University, where she served as Associate Vice President for the Lincoln Center campus. This was the third campus she worked at during her career, and it became her favorite, mainly because of the amazing people she got to work with.

After the challenges of working through the pandemic and recovering from a full knee replacement in 2022, Annie decided to retire earlier than planned. She had originally set a five-year retirement plan, made with her husband Dennis, who also retired earlier than expected, just six months after her. Throughout her life, Annie has embraced unexpected changes, like raising seven children, and these "left turns" have taught her to appreciate the simple joys life offers.

In her retirement, Annie calls her new phase "rewiring," as she seeks out new adventures and revisits old ones. Having grown up on a family dairy farm, she always dreamed of returning to country living. This dream became a reality when she and Dennis moved to Ulster County to support their eldest daughter, Mary Kate, and her partner in expanding their vegetable and flower business, Thousand Leaf Gardens. For Annie, it also meant a new home and embracing life in the country.

Annie is learning new skills, like using modern equipment, and reconnecting with old ones, such as canning and sewing, which she had not practiced since her farm days. These activities, along with spending time outside, give her fulfilling days and restful nights.

One of the greatest joys of this phase is being "Grannie Annie" to her many grandchildren and enjoying the time spent with her growing family on the farm. Annie’s goal now is to live a long and healthy life, taking it one step at a time—aiming for a "blue zone" lifestyle.

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Why did you retire or why are you still working?

Why did you retire?

Why are you still working?

After working in-person through the pandemic, and then managing a difficult full knee replacement in 2022, retirement a year early was easily decided. Previously, I had a five-year retirement plan, carefully crafted with my husband Dennis, who also retired earlier than expected— a mere six months after me. But life has continually given me left turns to navigate, including raising seven children, so embracing the unexpected pivots make you realize the simple joys of the unexpected.

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Life expectancy 2023


About the photographer

Nada Harib


Nada Harib is an independent photographer, born and raised in Tripoli, Libya. Her practice focuses on capturing long-term stories and daily news events in Libya and the United States. Her photography career took a turn towards photojournalism due to the political and violent situation in Libya in 2019. She is a member of the African Photojournalism Database (APJD) and a contributor to Everyday Africa. Her photographs have been featured in publications such as Reuters, Getty Images, BBC, The Washington Post, and many more.

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