Get Involved

To become a contributing photographer

If you want to join the project, please email us at and we’ll get back to you. We are hoping to have a truly global perspective on aging and we welcome photographers from around the globe to join us.

To become a partner

If you represent an organization, institution, or business aligned with our mission, we invite you to talk with us about being a partner. Email us at and we’ll get a conversation started about ways we can collaborate on projects that promote awareness and understanding of aging-related issues.

Recent coverage

What it's like to be 72 — the faces (and wisdom) behind the age
What it's like to be 72 — the faces (and wisdom) behind the age
What it's like to be 72 — the faces (and wisdom) behind the age
‘I feel so young, so full of life’: being 72 around the world
‘I feel so young, so full of life’: being 72 around the world
‘I feel so young, so full of life’: being 72 around the world
Een ode aan 72-jarigen. In 2030 zal een op de zes mensen ouder dan 60 jaar zijn.
Een ode aan 72-jarigen. In 2030 zal een op de zes mensen ouder dan 60 jaar zijn.
Een ode aan 72-jarigen. In 2030 zal een op de zes mensen ouder dan 60 jaar zijn.
Who are the new 70 year olds?
Who are the new 70 year olds?
Who are the new 70 year olds?
1in6by2030 aims to document the beauty and challenges of our aging society
1in6by2030 aims to document the beauty and challenges of our aging society
1in6by2030 aims to document the beauty and challenges of our aging society
Photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time
Photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time
Photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time
An Ode to Happy Aging / Une ode au vieillissement heureux
An Ode to Happy Aging / Une ode au vieillissement heureux
An Ode to Happy Aging / Une ode au vieillissement heureux
Nog lang niet oud: 72-jarigen van over de hele wereld
Nog lang niet oud: 72-jarigen van over de hele wereld
Nog lang niet oud: 72-jarigen van over de hele wereld
1 in 6 by 2030: Visual stories of an aging world
1 in 6 by 2030: Visual stories of an aging world
1 in 6 by 2030: Visual stories of an aging world